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10 km - 50 km - 100 km The North Face 100 China à Pékin le 12/05/2012

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  Posté : 10-02-2012 08:39

Le site officiel :

The North Face 100® Beijing International Endurance Challenge (the Event) is one stop of The North Face 100® series, which started at Changping, Beijing in 2009 and was the first ever 100KM running event in mainland China. 20112Event marks the fourth year the Event will run.

The Events is held on a Saturday in May. Temperature on the Event day varies greatly from average temperature is about 10°C/ 50°F at the start time (04:30am) and the finish time (8:30pm), to about 20°C / 68°F at noon.

The Event !include!s three disciplines of 100KM, 50KM and 10KM. Total participants increased a lot from 3,274 in 2009 to 8,600 in 2012 (expected).

Message édité par : Vincent94 / 10-02-2012 08:40

Message édité par : soleia / 10-02-2012 11:26

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